Monday, November 17, 2014
So far in 2014, 136 million gallons of water have been drawn from reservoirs in the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District, according to Akron Beacon Journal.
To put that number in perspective, the City of Akron pumps in that amount over the course of four days to its 300,000 water customers.
Antero Resources took 76 million gallons of water Seneca Lake, while Gulfport Energy drew 27 million gallons from Piedmont Lake. American Energy Utica 33 million gallons from Clendening Lake. The withdrawals have had minimal impact on recreation and were seen as insignificant, but some groups advocating against fracking oppose the water sales.
From Akron Beacon Journal:
“It takes about 5 million gallons of water to drill a horizontal well in the Utica Shale. That’s equal to the water use of 48 four-person households for one year.”
Via: Akron Beacon Journal > Drillers draw 136 million gallons of water from three Ohio lakes for Utica Shale wells
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