Made By Farm and Dairy

Ohio’s abandoned wells: 16 wells set to be plugged this year

Wednesday, July 15, 2015 by


There are 580 known abandoned wells in Ohio, but there could be thousands more that have yet to be discovered, according to The Repository.

Due to the oil and gas boom in the state, Ohio’s Orphan Well Program has received more money to find and plug wells. This year, the program’s budget is set at about $1.5 million and the program plans to plug 16 wells. It costs between $20,000 and $180,000 to plug one well. The price depends on the well’s depth, location and the difficulty of plugging the well.

It could take 24 years just to plug the known abandoned wells at the program’s current pace, which has slowed due to staff shortages, a small number of contractors that can plug the wells and wells that are too costly to plug.

Via: The Repository > Special Report: Ohio invests more money into well plugging, revamps program

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