Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission plans to release an environmental assessment in early February for two pipeline projects that will extend and expand Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line’s Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline to connect Marcellus and Utica shale gas with customers in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic, according to S&P Global Platts.
If the FERC stays on track to review the schedules for the National Fuel Gas Supply’s 330,000 Dt/d FM 100 project and Transco’s 582,400 Dt/d Leidy South project, the developers should be able to meet December 2021 in-service targets.
Both projects will essentially extend and expand Transco’s earlier 1.7 Bcf/d Atlantic Sunrise project, which went into service in October 2018.
Learn more: S&P Global Platts > FERC sets review schedule for extension to Transco’s Atlantic Sunrise
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