Wednesday, July 18, 2012
There’s many facets to the fracking discussion including: economics, lawsuits, the environment and Chesapeake’s recent debacle. With so many states now participating in a practice that has, “revolutionized the U.S. energy industry,” it’s easy to get lost in the sea of regulations and requirements that a particular state has for drill sites and drilling companies.
Luckily, the RFF Center for Energy Economics and Policy, a non-profit organization that conducts independent research on environmental, energy and natural resource issues, has a website featuring maps that clearly display the status of regulations in the 31 states that have shale development.
Here’s two interesting maps from the site:
For more maps and information visit the RFF site.
Farm and Dairy, a weekly newspaper located in Salem, Ohio, has been reporting on topics that interest farmers and landowners since 1914. Through the Shale Gas Reporter, we are dedicated to giving our readers unbiased and reliable information on shale gas development.
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