Monday, July 27, 2020
The New York legislature passed A.2655/S.3392, a statute that closes a loophole that allowed hazardous fracking waste to be dumped in New York, despite fracking being banned within the state, according to
The legislation passed the Assembly last Monday and the Senate on Wednesday, however; it has to be signed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to become a law.
The loophole had previously let fracking waste avoid the label of “hazardous,” so it was regularly accepted to be spread on roads, or to be disposed of improperly at dumpsites and landfills throughout New York. According to a report released in June 2019, New York had accepted over 638,000 tons and about 23,000 barrels of fracking waste from Pennsylvania fracking operators since 2011.
Learn more: > State Legislature closes hazardous waste loophole
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