Friday, March 6, 2020
Ohio state Rep. Jack Cera, D-Bellaire, introduced House Bill 55 last year to standardize the information sent out with royalty checks for landowners, according to Farm and Dairy.
The proposed legislation would require 15 different items to be included on a statement with the royalty check. Currently, the Ohio Revised Code only requires producers to report the volume of natural gas for which the royalty owner is being paid, the price per thousand cubic feet the producer received and the volume of natural gas that passed through the well’s meter, and only if the royalty owner requests that information.
“We have concerns about the state inserting itself into a contract between two private parties,” said Matt Hammond, president of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association, in a statement to Farm and Dairy.
Learn more: Farm and Dairy > Ohio bill aims to clear up royalty check confusion
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