Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Ohio’s 201 injection wells handled 22 million barrels of liquid waste from shale drilling in 2014. Akron Beacon Journal reports that 11.2 million barrels came from West Virginia and Pennsylvania, while 8.1 million barrels came from Ohio.
Coshocton County handled 3.4 million barrels of waste in 2014, and Athens County handled 2.7 million barrels. The state’s total injection volume is only one-tenth of one percent of all brine injections in the United States.
The drilling waste consists of some metals, low levels of radiation and dissolved solids that come from rocks in shale formations. According to Shawn Bennett, executive vice president of the Ohio Oil and Gas Association, injection wells are the only safe way to dispose of drilling waste.
Via: Akron Beacon Journal > Coshocton, Athens counties tops for injection volumes in Ohio
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